Samantha Strejcek, CPA


Personal Information

What makes Maher Duessel a great place to work?
The work-life balance and the people. I’ve met some of my closest friends at Maher Duessel.

When I am not crunching numbers I am…
Spending time with my husband and three children.

If I were not an accountant my dream job would be?
A barista at a Paris coffee shop.

Samantha began her public accounting career in 2008 and joined Maher Duessel in 2011.  Samantha directs a wide range of governmental and non-profit audit/tax engagements including counties, municipalities, state agencies, local authorities, human service agencies, member based organizations, private schools and economic development agencies. She has comprehensive experience with Single Audits and has presented various training sessions on Single Audit compliance.

Professional Involvement
  • Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) Special Review Committee for Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports – Member
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) – Member
  • AICPA Advanced Single Audit Certification
  • Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) – Member
  • B.S., Business Administration, Double Major in Accounting and Finance, Duquesne University

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