With the public scrutiny governments and nonprofits face when it comes to their finances, you are in the right hands with Maher Duessel. We take great care to identify your unique reporting requirements and operational needs to ensure you can address your constituents’ questions with confidence. Also, our audit process involves more than just the issuance of required documents. We do not ‘disappear’ after the final audit presentation. We are your trusted advisors throughout the year, as we want our clients to be in the best position possible to improve their operations, procedures, and internal controls.
Audit/Assurance and Related Services
- Audit Preparation
- Financial Statement Audits
- DCED Audits
- Grant Compliance Audits
- Audits in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards
- Audits in Accordance with the Uniform Guidance (Single Audits)
- Agreed Upon Procedures Attestation Reports
- Plancon J Audits for School Districts
- Pension Audits
- Cost Report Audits
- Medical Claims Audits
- Reviews/Compilations
- HUD Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) filings